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It's convenient and easy!

We treat and prescribe medications for a wide range of conditions: – Sinus infections, flu, cough, cold, rash, uti’s, strep throat, weight loss, and more.

A telehealth visit enables an individual to see a physician via a secure telecommunication connection. Virtual care can bridge care gaps when office visits are unavailable or needless. Telehealth has enabled individuals to receive care when they would not have been able to otherwise, thereby reducing costly and time-consuming visits to urgent care or the emergency room.

We understand that taking time off from a busy schedule for a doctors visit may not fit easily into your day to sit in a waiting room for what seems like an eternity. Telehealthcare fits in your schedule when you need it most, and when its convenient for you.

When you’re sick, you just want to feel better fast.

See a telehealth provider without having to leave your home. Skip the waiting room with 24/7 access to medical advice, diagnoses, and prescription medications from a licensed provider.

Virtual Care. Virtual Visits.

Innovative Ways to Receive Great Care!

You’ll receive timely treatment for non-emergency issues, and you can elect to send the results to your primary care doctor. If necessary, we’ll send prescriptions to the pharmacy of your choice. We will provide you with clear direction on your treatment without the time, cost, and stress of visiting a specialist.

What is telehealth?

Telehealth is when a healthcare provider uses telecommunications technology to provide health care services, such as assessing, diagnosing, consulting, treating, and monitoring a patient, transferring medical data, educating patients and professionals about health issues, providing public health services, and managing health care.

No, patients must be Florida residents.

$50 for a consultation/visit.

Some of the illness we can treat may include Sinus infections, flu, cough, cold, rash, uti’s, strep throat, and weight loss.

No, simply join the telehealth appointment by clicking the link provided to you.

Each provider will have a range of coverage, it is best to check with them first regarding whether telehealth is included.

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